Aspire Template Fixes  

Posted by Game Thug

The template for this blog was found at:

However, as originally downloaded, there were a number of failures in the code.  In order to get the blog to function, I removed three widgets that I didn't want anyway.

1.  So, here we go.  First, use CTRL + F to find the code block for "easychair".  It looks like this:

<b:widget id='EasyChair' locked='false' title='Site Sponsor' type='HTML'>
     <b:includable id='main'>
          <b:if cond='data:title'>
          <div class='widget-content'>
               <a href=''><img border='0' height='600' src='' width='160'/></a>

2.  Slash and burn--delete it in it's entirety.

3.  Next, find the "feedjit" code block.  It looks like this:

<b:widget id='Feedjit' locked='false' title='Live Traffic Feed' type='HTML'>
     <b:includable id='main'>
          <b:if cond='data:title'>
          <div class='widget-content'>
                    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="">Feedjit Live Blog Stats</a></noscript><br/>

4.  Purge the heretical code!

5.  Lastly, find the "ads" code block.  It was right below "feedjit" and it looks like this:

<b:widget id='Ads' locked='false' title='Ads' type='HTML'>
     <b:includable id='main'>
          <b:if cond='data:title'>
          <div class='widget-content'>
               <!-- if content is empty, show placeholder images -->
               <b:if cond='data:content == ""'>
               <a target='_new' href=''><img border='0' src='' /></a>

6.  Kill it!

7.  Save it!  It should be good to go now!

28 January 2009 - Fig building and Painting  

Posted by Game Thug in

I'll be building up my Reivers; feel free to bring anything you want to work on.  Non-modellers can come, hang out, listen to music, and drink tea or coffee.

Start time:  19h00

21 January 2009 - Adventurers' Guild  

Posted by Game Thug in

Ariel will be prepared for our first adventure with the sniveling necromancer.  Who knows what lurks in the hearts of men?  The Shadow knows!

January Schedule  

Posted by Game Thug in

Monday, 11 January 2009

Planning, character gen.

Thursday, 21 January

Adventurers' Guild

Thursday, 28 January

Heavy Gear or Miniatures, depending

January Schedule  

Posted by Game Thug in

Monday, 11 January 2009

Planning, character gen.

Thursday, 21 January

Adventurers' Guild

Thursday, 28 January

Heavy Gear or Miniatures, depending